"And at all times, and in all places, he shall open his mouth and declare my Gospel as with the voice of a trump, both day and night. And I will give unto him strength as is not known among men."

-D&C 24:12

Monday, January 26, 2015


I can´t believe that I've been in Portugal for such a long time!
  This week was amazing! We are finally getting somewhere here in Coimbra! We had divisions this week with the Sister Training Leaders and we worked really hard and now we have some great people that are willing to listen to the gospel! The Lord has been giving us tender mercies all week!
 One amazing thing that happened to us this week is that we were just walking and talking to people on the street and then we decided to stop this one lady and talk to her. We´ve decided that every person we stop on the street, beforehand, we have a mentality of ´this person is going to be the answer to our prayers!´ And this was the one time we hadn´t said that to ourselves, and it was the time that it actually was! Her name was Mariana and she was a little sarcastic at first, but then she started to cry! Her husband can´t leave the house, her 3 year-old child has cancer, and she definitely needs hope in her life. She said that a few months ago, she was at home and she had nothing for her family to eat, then she said that two missionaries with our nametags knocked on the door with bags of food to give her. She said Í guess God sends you to me when I´m at the lowest points of my life.´ We both acknowledged that it was a miracle that we found her. THE GOSPEL IS TRUE!!! There are so many people out there with no hope in their life and it´s up to us to help them! There is ALWAYS HOPE! I know that the gospel brings so much hope in the lives of people whose hands hang helplessly down. I know that as a representative of Jesus Christ, I am called to lift up those hands, and it´s so rewarding, even if you don´t see it at first.
  Another miracle is that we started teaching Tamaiva, the Venezuelan lady we miraculously found on the street one day. She is amazing and she reminds me so much of home! When we go to her house, she speaks only Spanish and Sister Donahoo is like, úummmm, I only have the gift of tongues for portuguese, so I can´t understand her...´ But I know that the Lord put her in our path for a reason, and I know we´re a stepping stone on her spiritual journey, but I just don´t know what stepping stone yet.
 I hope everyone has a great week! THE GOSPEL IS TRUE AND IT BLESSES LIVES! I LOVE ALL OF YOU!
Sister Mancuso


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